Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Celiac Disease

The research team broke celiac disease down into three types:
1) The first type, classical, in which patients present with malabsorption syndrome.
2) The second type, non-classical, in which patients experience extraintestinal and/or gastrointestinal symptoms other than diarrhea.
3) The third type, subclinical, with no visible symptoms. ("Silent celiac disease")
The team found that just 27% of the non-classically symptomatic group complained of diarrhea, while other gastrointestinal manifestations included bloating (20%), aphthous stomatitis (18%), alternating bowel habit (15%), constipation (13%) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (12%).
Extraintestinal manifestations included osteopenia/osteoporosis (52%), anemia (34%), cryptogenic hypertransaminasemia (29%) and recurrent miscarriages (12%). (These last are considered silent celiac.)