Monday, June 17, 2013

Gluten-free* But Still Not Recommended

*Nearly all processed foods and grains carry some risk of
cross-contamination. For the safest approach to a gluten-free
diet, eat only whole, unprocessed foods.
Amaranth, Arrowroot, Buckwheat, Corn, Flax, Millet, Montina,
Nut Flour, Bean Flour, Potato Flour, Potato Starch, Quinoa,
Rice, Rice Bran, Sago, Seed Flour, Sorghum, Soy (soya),
Tapioca and Teff.
Signs of gluten exposure include but are not limited to:
abdominal bloating, fatigue, skin problems or rashes, diarrhea
or constipation, irritable, moody, change in energy levels,
unexpected weight loss, mouth ulcers, depression, and even
Crohn's disease are all more severe gluten allergy symptoms
that you may experience. Consult with your nutritionist or
physician if you experience symptoms of a gluten exposure
that result in prolonged discomfort.
-Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC