Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart-Healthy Tips

Did you know that men and women experience different signs
and symptoms when they suffer a heart attack? If you experience
any of these, especially in tandem, contact your doctor or get to
an emergency room immediately.
Men: Intense pressure on the chest, like an elephant is sitting on you;
pain going down the left arm, nausea, sweatiness.
Women: Shortness of breath, pressure or pain in the lower chest or
upper abdomen, dizziness, lightheadedness, upper-back pressure or
extreme fatigue.
Better Safe Than Sorry
Men: The biggest mistake men make is assuming the symptoms are
from heartburn; really, the heart's muscles are burning from the lack of
Women: The non-specific nature of symptoms can be misleading.
Heart-Healthy Habits
Men: Say yes to exercise, smart eating habits and socializing.
Women: Say no to over-committing, especially when it keeps you from
exercise and important doctors' appointments.
-Elements Magazine, Winter 2013