Friday, November 30, 2012

Gluten Free Watchdog, LLC

Since GFW started assessing food for gluten contamination 18 months ago, 
four products from three manufacturers tested at or above 20 parts per million 
of gluten. It is the policy of GFW to notify manufacturers when products do not 
test gluten-free as defined by the Food and Drug Administration’s proposed 
labeling rule. It also is the policy of GFW to reassess products testing at or 
above 20 ppm gluten within one year of the original test date. If a product
continues to test at or above 20 ppm gluten a complaint is filed withthe FDA's
Consumer Complaint Coordinator.

All four products have now been retested. Three of these products from two
manufacturers tested below 20 ppm gluten on follow-up testing. Thanks to your
support GFW is making a difference. Please continue to spread the word about
this important service. If you follow GFW on Facebook but are not yet a
subscriber, please consider subscribing. We need your support!