Sunday, February 19, 2012

A New Book

Dear Andrea Cortani,

My name is Nerissa N. Nordquist. I recently released a comedic novel titled NOT EVERYONE POOPS that delves into the world of Digestive Disorders.

I wrote this novel to create an open dialogue about digestive disorders, especially with women and young females. For years it has been the dirty secret; closed door or quiet conversations in the corner about gas, bloating, strange poops, no poop, too much poop or worse vomiting.

Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation and a strong Gluten Intolerance myself for the last 16 years has given me a plethora of digestive and medical information, painful and outlandish stories, and enough angst to fill mountains of empty pages.

The book is fully titled:
Henrietta James
Not Everyone Poops

Found in paperback and all ebooks: and/or

I am interested in increasing my distribution channels through various types of book signings, tours and partnerships with companies associated with the digestive disorder community.
The synopsis is pasted in the post script.
Thank you for your time!

Nerissa N. Nordquist

Engulfed in anxiety, frustration and constant constipation, Henrietta Martha James spends her time writing angry letters to Taro Gomi, the acclaimed author of “Everyone Poops.” She is demanding a formal explanation...the possibility of rewrites...or at least a change to the title of his book because she, Henrietta, does not poop. Well, not like “everyone” does.

Growing up with an illness that doctors struggle to diagnose, Henrietta constantly hears how she is “supposed” to be, while discovering that “normal” does not apply to her – at least not the way her body works. A humorous and painful real-life journey into the world of digestive disorders, her story brings to light one of life’s dirty little secrets.
Not Everyone Poops.